Critical care, Urgent and Emergencies, Clinical Simulation
PhD Mr. José Vte Carmona-Simarro
PhD. Nursing department. European University of Valencia. Spain. PhD in Health Sciences. Member IV of the Valencia College of Nursing. Founding member of the Valencia Nursing Academy. Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Master in Emergencies, Emergencies and Catastrophes. Master in Critical Patient Care.
Mrs. Irene Bellés García
Graduated in Nursing from the University of Valencia, Spain. Master
in Nursing in Surgical Instrumentation. Unit Nurse
Surgical: operating rooms of the Hospital Doctor Peset Aleixandre, Hospital
Clinic of Valencia, Hospital NISA 9 de Octubre in Valencia and
Operating rooms of the Valencia General University Hospital Consortium.
Diploma from the German Center: ZEUGNIS Prüfung Grundstufe II.
PhD Mr. José Javier González Cervantes
Doctor in Health Sciences from the UCV. Expert in the Area of Oncology Nursing. Master in Bioethics. Master’s degree in secondary school, baccalaureate and training cycles. 15 years as a nursing supervisor in radiodiagnosis at the VALENCIAN INSTITUTE OF ONCOLOGY FOUNDATION, Spain.
Management and administration
PhD Mr. Antonio Ruiz Hontangas
Director of Nursing of the Ribera Health Department. Department of Health, Valencia. Spain.
PhD. Mrs. Silvia Trujillo Barberá
Doctor in Biomedicine and Health Sciences, Master’s Degree in Health Management. Director of the Health Area at the European University of Valencia, Spain.
PhD Mr. Pedro Navarro Illana
PhD from the Valencia Catholic University, where he served as Director of the Nursing School since 2008, holding the position of Dean until 2015. In 2018 he assumed the position of Rector of TECH México Universidad Tecnológica. In 2022 he was appointed Executive Vice President of the TECH International Educational Group, where he currently performs his responsibilities.
PhD Mrs. Andrea Carvalho Araújo Moreira
Doutorado em Enfermagem. Universidade Federal do Ceará, UFC, Fortaleza, Brasil
Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, Curso de Enfermagem. Brasil
PhD Mrs. Mayanin Rodríguez Caicedo
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs of the First House of Higher Studies. Panama university. Faculty of Nursing. Panama. Rodríguez Caicedo, M. E., & Castillo, Y. (2023). Strategic management for the safe return, well-being and mental health of the workers of the University of Panama in the midst of the pandemic essay document. Focus, 33(29), 80–92.
Mrs. Clemencia Janeth Cuellar Nieto
Master’s Degree in Human and Organizational Development Administration with emphasis on the training of Organizational leaders from Pereira Technological University (UTP). Diploma in Institutional Administrative Management in Nutrition, Universidad del Rosario.
PhD Mrs. Myriam Duran Parra
Nurse Specialist in Health Services Management, Master in Nursing, Doctorate in Education.
Vice President of the First Andean Region ALADEFE, Former President of the Colombian Association of Nursing Schools and Faculties ACOFAEN, Former Dean of the Faculty of Health at the University of Santander UDES, SIGMA TETHA TAU NURSING NOW Member, Director of the Nursing Program at the University of Santander UDES Bucaramanga, Colombia, Junior Researcher MINCIENCIAS, Colombia , Creator and Designer of the Nursing Program at the University of Santander. Colombia, Member of the EVEREST research group Category A1 Minciencias. Colombia, National and International Speaker, National and International Advisor on Nursing Curriculum and Quality in Education, Work Experience in Community Nursing and Primary Health Care; Administration Management and Management, Researcher and Co-investigator of research projects. With high impact publications.
Artificial intelligence
Mr. Federico Juárez
Master in Artificial Intelligence from the IIA (Institute of Artificial Intelligence).
Mrs. Esther Navarro Illana.
Associate Dean of Nursing. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Valencia Catholic University. Spain.
Mr. José Vicente Visconti Gijón.
Diploma and Graduate in Nursing from the University of Valencia (1991 | 2013), First cycle of Computer Engineering completed by the University of Valencia (1997), Specialist in management of nursing services from the Valencian School of Health Studies (2003) , Master’s degree in auditing and accreditation of the quality of healthcare organizations and practices from the Polytechnic University of València (2006), Biomedical engineering. Specialty in Bioelectronics and Instrumentation, Associate Professor at the University of Valencia.
He has developed his activity mainly in the field of public health and health management, especially in the area of quality and patient safety and occupational health. He teaches classes at the University of Valencia in the fields of management and occupational health. In the field of engineering he has participated in the realization of two patents and currently participates as a member of the INCATIV-Quality Indicators in Intravascular Therapy research group. (accredited by FISABIO), in the area of data analysis and advisor in the technological area.
Health Sciences
Mrs. MªAngeles Bruño Marti
Diploma and Graduate in Nursing from the University of Valencia (1995/2013). Degree in Humanities from the University of Valencia (2010). Master’s Degree in Surgical Instrumentation from the University of Valencia (2000). Master’s Degreee in Oxigenation and Extracorporeal Circulation from the Universitat of Barcelona (2012). Master’s Degree in Health Administration (Escuela Nacional de Sanidad. Madrid. 2022). Phd Student.
Associate Assistant Professor at the Universitat de Valencia. Department of Nursing.
Member of the Board of the Asociación Española de Perfusionistas. Secretary of the Accreditation Committee of the European Board for Cardiovascular Perfusion.
She has mainly developed her activity in the field of health management, extracorporeal circulation and cardiopulmonary bypass. As a researcher, she has participated in several International and National projects, publishing articles of clinical interest in quality indexed journals.
One of her main lines of interest is to promote the role of the perfusionist nurse to the whole nursing community.
PhD Mrs. Malgorzata Witkowska-Zimny
Biologist, academic teacher of anatomy and physiology, Assistant Professor and Erasmus+ Coordinator at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. She developed her tutoring skills at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, within the Masters of Didactics, University Teaching and Tutoring Project. She is an education enthusiast involved in promoting scientific literacy. Her academic interests include stem cells research, breast milk and breastfeeding; prevention, novelties, and new technologies in medicine. She is the co-author of over 30 scientific publications, 6 chapters in textbooks, and nearly 50 conference presentations.
PhD Mrs. Sara Esqué Boldú
DOCTORATE, Universitat d’Andorra, OFFICIAL MASTER’S DEGREE IN EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY: E-LERNING AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, Cap de l’Escola d’infermeria. Universitat d’Andorra, Member of the Research Group in Health Sciences and Sanitary Services (GRCS) of the Universitat d’Andorra, Member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group in Education (GRIE) of the Universitat d’Andorra.
Mrs. Carrie Kirby
Senior Lecturer Adult Nursing/Hong Kong Programme, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery, Marston Road Campus, Jack Straws Lane, Marston.
PhD Mrs. María Antonieta Rubio Tyrrell
Bachelor of Nursing (Revalidation of Degree at EEAN/ UFRJ, 1976), Diploma in Qualitative Research (I and II – by the Center for the Study of the Latin American Teachers’ Network – RedDOLLAC). Specialist in: Obstetric Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Hospital Administration and Educational Technology for Health. Master in Nursing in Collective Health and PhD in Nursing and Society. Full Professor of the Anna Nery Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (EEA/UFRJ/DE, retired in 2018) and current Emeritus Professor of UFRJ. Doctor Honoris Causa from six (06) Peruvian Universities. Author of books and book chapters, countless technical-scientific articles and advisor for more than fifty Master’s and Doctorate theses
PhD Mrs.Isabel Rabiais
Enfermeira e professora auxiliar na Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
Doutora em Enfermagem (Educação em Enfermagem) em 2014, pela Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
Mestre em Ciências da Educação pela Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Faculdade de Motricidade Humana em 2007.
Coordenadora do Mestrado em Enfermagem e do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Supervisão Clínica. Tem desenvolvido investigação nas áreas das Ciências da Saúde e Ciências da Educação.
Publicou vários artigos em revistas especializadas e trabalhos em atas de eventos e tem uma obra publicada (2016): “A Centralidade do estudante na aprendizagem do cuidado”.
Coordena o projeto de extensão universitária “Capacitar para Salvar”, iniciado em 2012, integrado desde 2022 no âmbito da Aprendizagem em Serviço. Este projeto, suporta-se em workshops de sessões de educação para a saúde sobre Suporte Básico de Vida, visa capacitar crianças, jovens e adultos para uma integração equilibrada na vida em sociedade, através da compreensão da escola como local de aprendizagens múltiplas e diferenciadas. Mobiliza a metodologia de aprendizagem em serviço através da ação e reflexão crítica sobre as necessidades humanas e sociais numa lógica de ética e justiça, integrando o serviço à comunidade com a dimensão curricular.
Atua nas áreas de Ciências Médicas com ênfase em Ciências da Saúde e Ciências Sociais destacando-se as Ciências da Educação.
PhD Mrs. Tiina Nurmela
Doctor of Philosophy (Health Sciences) (PhD), University of Tampere, Finland.
Master of Education (M.Ed), University of Turku, Finland.
Master of Health Care (Degree programme in Health Care: main subject: Nursing science, additional subject: administration) (MNSc), University of Tampere, Finland.
Registered nursing teacher (RNT), Tampere Institute of Health Care Education.
Phd Mr. Álvaro José Solaz García
Nurse at La Fe University Hospital, Valencia, Spain. Professor at the European University of Valencia, Spain. Faculty of Health Sciences. Nursing department. Master of Nursing in Emergencies and Emergencies from the Catholic University of Valencia. As a Researcher, he has participated in more than twenty International and National projects, publishing articles of clinical interest in WOS and quality indexed journals.
Phd Mrs. Maria Denise Schimith
Possui graduação em Enfermagem pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (1989) e mestrado em Enfermagem pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2002). Doutora em Ciências pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp/SP). Pós-doutora pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), com bolsa CNPq PDJ. Professora associada da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Atualmente é Diretora do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da UFSM. Membro da Associação Rede Unida, entidade internacional. Tem experiência na área de Enfermagem, com ênfase em Enfermagem de Saúde Coletiva, desenvolve pesquisa principalmente nos seguintes temas: Diabetes melittus; Hipertensão Arterial; lesões de pele; Tecnologias em Saúde; Atenção Primária à Saúde; organização dos serviços de saúde e condições crônicas.
PhD Mrs. Kelly Myriam Jiménez de Aliaga
Peruvian citizen of Celendina, Graduate, Master and PhD in Nursing, Cajamarca National University, Trujillo National University, (EEAN/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Brazil) respectively; PhD Abad Oliba CEU University and PhD in Nursing Federal University of Piaui, Researcher-teacher, UCV and Head and Director of Research Branch Lima, 2009 to April 2018; research professor at the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas Mexico, guest professor Graduate – Universities: UPCH – UNMSM; scientific production in ISSN Mexico – Brazil Magazines; Author of PIFI – UAT Institutional Projects and UCV Contestable Fund Projects 2018 – 2019; Consultant for Scientific Journals: UF Piauí – Brazil and European Journal of Health Research (EJHR), leader of the Community Health Academic Body – Community Research Line – Children – Health Policies. Qualified Profile PROMEP – Mexico. Intercampus Murcia – Spain Program Participant; member of Red Higgia Cuenca – Ecuador. Speaker at scientific events: World Social Forum – Pakistan, Nursing Congresses: Jerusalem – Israel, Cuba; Mexico, Spain; Madrid, Granada, Leon, Almeria, Palmas de Gran Canaria; Brazil in Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro; Coordination of Agreements: Academics Colombia – Brazil – Peru – Mexico (UAT), Chile: UBO/UV/UNACH. Peer evaluator and Accreditation Self-assessment – ANR Peru; Evaluator of Health Establishments MINSA – INDECOPI. Dean CEP – La Libertad Ancash; Regional Coordinator of the La Libertad-Peru School Health Risk Administrator. National representations: College of Nurses in the National Council of Residents; Council of Deans at the OAS as Project Evaluator until 2018. Honorary Professor of the National University of Cajamarca. Technical Coordinator: UCV Peru in “Emple-AP Project” Erasmus 2017 – 2021 and in UNACH “HAInnovPrev Project” Erasmus since February 2022, Member: Latin American Network for social change and emancipatory learning Univ. Siena Italy. Coordinator of the International Postdoctoral and Doctorate – DINTER, between the National Autonomous University of Chota and the Federal University of Piauí – UFPI – Brazil/Department of Nursing/Postgraduate in Nursing, approved by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) – Brazil.
PhD Mr. Francisco Javier Pareja Llorens
Emergency nurse at the Castellón General Hospital. Professor of Clinical and EKG at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University in Castellón and PhD candidate at the same university.